May 15, 2008

Executive Coordinator & International Secretariat Search Process

The International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases (No Bases Network) is currently initiating a twin search process for an Executive Coordinator and an International Secretariat for the No Bases Network.

While these searches are distinct, they are also interrelated. The Executive Coordinator is an individual staff position. The search for an International Secretariat is intended to identify a geographical site for the worldwide headquarters of the No Bases Network. A key aspect of the search for the International Secretariat will be identifying an organization or local/national network that can offer support to the global No Bases Network by assisting the Executive Coordinator by providing logistical, administrative and programmatic support to run the office. For details please refer below to the Search Criteria for the International Secretariat of the No Bases Network as well as the job description for Executive Coordinator.

The International Organizing Committee (IOC) of the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases has coordinated the global work of the No Bases Network in recent years and has taken the initial steps to commence the twin search process. The newly established International Coordinating Committee (ICC) whose membership is comprised by regional representation is taking over the worldwide leadership of the No Bases Network and will continue the search and selection process. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to submit separate and distinct applications in response to both searches. Applications for the Executive Coordinator position may be also be submitted jointly with applications for hosting the International Secretariat.

The Search Process is guided by the following principles:

Participatory Democracy
Decision by consensus (if consensus cannot be reached, decisions will take place by vote).
For more information please visit:
US Navy Deploys Around Latin America
By Lamia Oualalou - Le Figaro
Translation By Truthout
French language editor Leslie ThatcherTruthout
28 April 2008
Choosing to confront the rise in power of left-leaning governments in its backyard, the United States is recreating the Fourth Fleet. It's now official: The Pentagon is going to resuscitate its Fourth Fleet, with the mission of patrolling Latin American and Caribbean waters.
Created during the Second World War to protect traffic in theSouth Atlantic, the structure was dissolved in 1950. "By reestablishing the Fourth Fleet, we acknowledge the immense importance of maritime security in this region,"declared Adm. Gary Roughead, head of the Pentagon's naval operations. Based in Mayport, Florida, the fleet will operate under the double orders of the American Navy and the Army's Southern Command, responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean. Vice Adm. Joseph Kernan will command the fleet, which should include a nuclear air craftcarrier. According to Alejandro Sanchez, an analyst at theCouncil on Hemispheric Affairs, a research center on Latin America based in Washington, "the reestablishmentof the Fourth Fleet is more of a political than amilitary gesture, designed to confront the rise in powerof left-leaning governments in the region."
The Pentagon does not trouble to camouflage its intentions: "the message is clear: whether local governments like it ornot, the United States is back after the war in Iraq,"Sanchez explains.
"New Threats" De facto, Washington's military influence in the region has diminished considerably since September 11, 2001, and the launch of the "war against terrorism."Concentrated on the Middle Eastern arc of crisis, the Pentagon did not pay much attention to the political upsets in its own backyard. Leftist governments, now broadly in the majority in Latin America, reproach the United States with the support it gave the dictatorships that reigned over several decades and to the ultra-neo-liberal policies those dictatorships applied. While Washington assures that its sole interest inthe region is combating "new threats" (terrorism, drugtrafficking and the Maras gangs of Central America),Latin American people often see it as the pursuit of"imperialist" interests dictated by energy needs.
The tensions between Washington and the radical presidentsof the sub-continent's main oil and gas producers(Venezuela, Equator and Bolivia) accentuate that perception. As a sign of defiance, almost all Latin American countries have refused to sign the American Serviceman Protection Act, a treaty that prevents legal pursuit of American soldiers for crimes committed abroad. The plan to install a military base in Paraguay, close to Bolivian gas fields, was denounced by Braziland Argentina.
Ecuador has made it known that the American military base installed in Manta until 2009 will not be allowed to renew its mandate. Worse still, Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has relaunched the idea of a South American Defense Council, explicitly excluding all United States intervention. Washington's sidelining comes at a time when new sources of conflict are arising in the region, as, for example, the one that pits Colombia on one side and Ecuador and Venezuela on the other, or that between Bolivia and Chile over sea access. An arms race is underway in the region, where governments have taken advantage of the economic revival to reequip their armies, neglected since the 1970s.
American arms manufacturers are no longer alone in this market: some European countries, but especially China, Russia and Iran, are trying to get a footing in a region that also attracts them for its natural resourceand energy potential.
The Philippines: Counter-insurgency vs. Counter-terrorism in MindanaoJakarta
Brussels, 14 May 2008:
The U.S. and the Philippines need to refocus energies on peace processes in Mindanao or they risk new hostilities between government forces and insurgents.
The Philippines: Counter-insurgency vs. Counter-terrorism in Mindanao,* the latest report from the International Crisis Group, warns that U.S.-backed security operations in the southern Philippines are confusing counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism and risk pushing the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) – their target – into the arms of the broader insurgencies in Mindanao, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).
“The ‘Mindanao model’ of combining military operations with civic action operations against the ASG has been widely heralded as a success, but the gains could be short-lived”, says Kit Collier, a consultant for Crisis Group. “The model involves using counter- insurgency techniques for counter-terrorism goals, but the only way the Philippines will effectively
manage domestic terrorism is to secure the cooperation of the MILF and MNLF – and that requires concrete progress toward formal peace agreements.”
The urgency of finalizing agreements is even more acute since the Malaysian government announced last month that it was withdrawing from an international monitoring team that has kept the lid on conflict in Mindanao since 2004.The report urges the Philippines government to revive the Ad Hoc Joint Action Group (AHJAG). Designed to facilitate information- sharing between the Philippines government and the MILF, AHJAG was critical to the prevention of conflict escalation in 2005-2007 as the search for terrorists intensified. After a six-month hiatus, its mandate was formally extended in November 2007 but is not yet fully restored.
A similar arrangement should be developed with the MNLF. But the leadership of both insurgencies will only be willing to provide information on terrorists in their midst as part of a political endgame, and the Philippines government is stalling, while the U.S. appears more focused on economic aid than political agreements.“The number of terrorists in the Philippines is small relative to the mass-based insurgencies in which they take cover”, says John Virgoe, Crisis Group’s South East Asia Director. “But the ASG and its allies remain dangerous because of their potential to drag the MILF and MNLF back into war.”
Read the full Crisis Group report on our website: http://
The International Crisis Group (Crisis Group) is an independent, non- profit, non-governmental organisation covering some 60 crisis- affected countries and territories across four continents, working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict.

March 18, 2008

Non Violent action at Diego Garcia (March 6-13, 2008)

Hoi friends,
I have been posting to the Info list, but i am not sure if it has reached you. Here is a compilation of the activities.
Info also at
March 6, 2008
Musichana with Pete Bouquet and Jon Castle at the helm departed from Salomonisland and commenced the 130 nautical miles voyage to Diego Garcia.
They have prepared the following statement, which they intend to hand to the representatives of the UK and US government.

We have sailed our boat Musichana over 2000 miles to demonstrate to you the serious nature of our concerns about the plight of the Chagossians and about your military activities on Diego Garcia. It is our duty as British citizens, to challenge and expose these activities in a peaceful and responsible manner.

We represent a growing proportion of the world's population, who disagree with the treatment of the Chagossians and demand their right to return.

- The Chagos people were the legitimate inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelagos.
- Three generations of Chagossians are buried on the island.
- The UK courts have consistently supported the Chagossians in their right to return.
- While commendable, it is simply not good enough to allow some Chagossiansto come back to clean and restore graveyards. When the work is finished they have to leave again.

We are disgusted by your military activities, because history has proven that violent military conflicts and all forms of terrorism solve nothing. Yet your actions and those of your respective Governments, which corruptly entangle profit making business with political and military decisions, continue to increase militarization and the use of force as a first rather than a last option and only perpetuate global instability and terrorise innocent people.

Your base here is, together with the other US bases throughout the world, part of an axis of evil and represents all the corruption and subversion of human decency. From here your bombers have rained terror, horror and destruction, often onto the heads of innocent people. It has also been used for secretly transporting and holding prisoners without regard to even he most basic and accepted concepts of justice. We urge you, in the name of humanity to cease your inhumane activities. You must leave Diego Garcia rthwith and end your shameful and harmful presence here, so that the rightful inhabitants, who you exiled nearly forty years ago can return to their homes and ive in peace.

"There are times when one tragedy, one crime, tells us how a whole system works
behind its democratic facade, and helps us understand how much of the world is
run for the benefit of the powerful"

John Pilger - Stealing a Nation. Oct.2004.


So my friends, it is all going to happen in the next few days. Winds are southerly, so not very helpful. The forecast is for westerlies, so that will get them there. Pete will call me when it all happens.
March 8 2008
Musichana is at Diego Garcia. On March 8, 06.36 GMT i received the last phonecall from Pete. By then Musichana was close to the entrance, after repeated warnings from Diego Garcia to get out of the restricted zone.Police was on their way out. I have tried several times to contact Musichana without any luck. At this stage, i can't tell what or where, but have to assume they are taken in and they have handed over their statement, which explained their right and duty to protest in a strict non-violent way the military activities of the base and demand the right of return of the Chagossians as the legitimate inhabitants.
Martini Gotje
+64 9 3723482
+64 27 3601019
Musichana Sat phone
March 9, 2008
No contact with Musichana since 14 hours ago. I assume they have been taken in. Please find contact numbers for the facility. Flood them with enquiries about Pete and Jon!!!!!!!!
United States Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia
British Indian Ocean Territory Administration
Overseas Territories Directorate
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
London, SW1A 2AH
Telephone: + 44 (0) 20 7008 2890 or 2691
Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7008
Just got a call from Chris Dwyer, UK police officer at Diego Garcia. Musichana is moored inside the lagoon. Pet and Jon are detained for questioning. He couldn't give any more details as discussions are going on with the Overseas Territories Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, where the BIOT government is based.
March 12, 2008
British campaigners arrested at sea in Diego Garcia protest
'People's Navy' veterans detained by UK authorities
Move to highlight military use and plight of islanders
Duncan Campbell.

The Guardian, Wednesday March 12 2008

Two British human rights campaigners have been arrested at sea off Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean after protesting against the island's use in British and US military operations. The two men were demonstrating against the island's admitted use by the US for rendition flights and the historic removal of the Chagos islanders from their homes nearly 40 years ago.

Peter Bouquet, 59, originally from Devon, and Jon Castle, 56, originally from Guernsey, were detained by UK authorities after allegedly failing to leave the waters around Diego Garcia on board their vessel, Musichana. Both men are former captains of Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior and veterans of environmental and human rights direct actions around the world. They are currently part of a group called the People's Navy which has been seeking to highlight the plight of the Chagossians and to protest against the military use of the islands, which form part of the British Indian Ocean Territory.

In a statement before their arrest, the men said that they wanted to show "the serious nature of our concerns about the plight of the Chagossians and about ... military activities on Diego Garcia". The pair hope to draw attention to the cause of the Chagos islanders, who were removed by the UK in 1971 to make way for the base, following an agreement with the US, and have still not been able to return permanently, despite victories in high court actions in London.

The statement said the protest was also against the recent use of Diego Garcia by the US for the transportation of prisoners being "rendered ... without regard to even the most basic and accepted concepts of justice". It added that although some Chagossians had been allowed to return temporarily to clean and restore graveyards, they should be allowed to return permanently.

A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed last night that two men had been detained "after entering the waters illegally". He added that an investigation was continuing. Bouquet, a former member of the merchant navy, made his first protest against whaling off Iceland more than 30 years ago. Castle has been involved mainly in environmental campaigns. Both men said that they were motivated by Quaker ideals "that you should bear witness to a crime, even if you cannot stop it happening".

The arrests come in a week in which MPs and human rights groups have demanded an independent inquiry into the use of Diego Garcia by the CIA. Lord Malloch Brown, the Foreign Office minister, has spoken to Manfred Novak, the UN's special investigator on torture, about the alleged use of Diego Garcia as a detention centre for holding US suspects. Last month, the foreign secretary, David Miliband, admitted to MPs that, contrary to earlier assurances, two CIA flights had landed at the base, each with a detainee on board. It has also been alleged that detainees have been interrogated at the base, although the foreign secretary has denied the claims.

March 13, 2008
Update from Jon.

I'm an old friend of Jon's in Guernsey. Just thought you'd like to know he rang me yesterday (Tues 11 March) from the police station in Diego Garcia. He wanted some legal advice before being interviewed by the B.I.O.T. police, so I set it up for him to ring a friend of mine, who is a local lawyer. He sounded absolutely fine and as always calm (no surprise there - when did you ever see Jon ruffled in a tense situation?!) He was using the phone at the station and said he and Pete were being held in an air conditioned cell in good conditions and were being allowed to seek legal advice before being interviewed and going before the magistrate. In order words following the normal UK legal procedure, that the British police would follow.

When I first heard of the arrest, I had visions of them being held by the US Militiary police, complete with shackles and orange jump suits, but of course it is still a British island ... They obviously won't deny anything - they deliberately went into the territorial waters of Diego Garcia and refused to turn back when commanded to do so. The max fine they could get is £3000 (which of course they won't pay), or confiscation of the boat /a period of imprisonment. They will appeal if they can, and that would be good because it would mean the appeal case will be held in the UK.
March 14, 2008
Hoi friends, talked with Pete tonight. There has been some developments. Jon was charged yesterday. Pete hasn't so far. Jon is officially the Captain of Musichana and so far he has been singled out for violation of immigration laws. The prosecutor is asking for a maximum, which is 6 months suspended prison, 3000 GBP fine and 200 GBP cost. Jon has pleaded not guilty. They need to pay within a week, otherwise they will get deported and the Musichana will be forfeited. Our first stance is not to pay the fine.
Both Jon and Pete are doing fine. In true style Jon gave them a lecture on the plight of the Chagossians, the rendition flights and the offensive nature of the base. He finished his speech with "You better examine your conscience".
The Chagossian have to return to their rightful homelands and have to have a sustainable economy to base their lives on. They are the rightful inhabitants of the islands. We will see what will happen over the next days. This is all done under British Law and whatever the outcome we will appeal. I told Pete about the incredible support he and Jon has in the outside world and instead of some secret court case on Diego Garcia, the island of lies, deception and aggressive violent behaviour, the judgement on this have to bein the UK. The time for secret activities on Diego Garcia is gone, we all have to have the duty to expose the Hypocracy of Diego Garcia!
"The Oceans are not up for grabs. They brought us life and we owe it to our kids
to keep it that way"
Martini Gotjé
Skype mgotje

Update from Guam (March 11, 2008)

Article in Marianas Variety 3/11/08 issue:

"Airmen warned against possible harassment"
By Mar-Vic Cagurangan Variety News Staff

AN Air Force official advised airmen to report any possible harassment by anti-military bases protestors holding rallies across from the main gate of Andersen Air Force Base.
"If the protestor attempts to cross the road and enter the base, displays vulgar language or rude gestures please report this to the T&W contract guards while entering or directly to the SFS Investigator x-7098," stated the memo from USAF MSgt Wesley H. Willand.
Chamorro activist Howard Hemsing, a resident of Yigo, occasionally holds a one-man protest rally in front of AAFB bearing a "Yankee Go Home" placard.
Hemsing said in an earlier interview that the presence of military bases on Guam puts the community in danger, and that he would not let up on his campaign against the U.S. troops.
In a brief telephone interview, Willand said anyone who gets harassed by protestors may write a full statement of complaint for submission to the AAFB guards."

In response to the Variety's 3/11/08 article on airmen being warned against possible harassment - while I do not always agree with the statements or placard displays by fellow activist Senot Howard Hemsing (Maga'Lahi Aniti), nor do I espouse his political status choice, I will stand to defend his right to do so.

The entire complement of the United States Air Force, Navy, Marines, Army - and their associated reservists; Coast Guard; clandestine intelligence operatives; transplanted neopolitical subversives; nuclear powered ships and attack submarines - whether crashing into our undersea mountains or washing their contaminations into our ocean; stealth and other assorted bombers flying overhead and crashing onto our lands - whether armed or maybe not with weapons of mass destruction or just returning from air shows; the U.S. military industrial complex playing a heavy hand, not only toward the impending so-called "peacetime" invasion of my homeland, but also inviting further invasion and population explosion onto this small island under the guise of "business and other economic opportunities"... yeah, with all your power and might, USAF MSgt Wesley H. Willand, let's start taking notes and making reports about harassment.

Take this note Master Sgt: Learn about the history and relationship between the United States and Guam - not just your yes sir, no sir, military indoctrination but our federal-territorial relationship. Learn about what my people went through here during WWII, and that even today there is still so much the United States has, as a sacred trust and obligation, to accomplish and continues to fail us. Try to see past the muzzle of your M16 and frightening WMD's, that we are not the enemy as you may perceive. In fact, you have just re-inforced the resistance we are fighting... THAT your presence is a detriment to our peace and political destiny, our very freedom as indigenous people in our own homeland.

So, go ahead Master Sgt. and tell your people to file their complaints to your AAFB guards, for you see, we have no place to go do the same, save my voice - and Senot Hemsing's and those of our activist brethren - voices and signs, however disturbing they may seem to you, but we will not be silenced. You, sir, must realize you are guests in my homeland, and yes, even the very base you are occupying is Chamorro land!

Welcome to Guam Master Sgt., the land of the Chamorro people, colonized by the United States of America! By the way, why don't you tell your own people to restrict their own one-finger salutes to each other. I carry no weapons and I wish you peace, even as I struggle most non-violently for my own. When you see me next, I would just love it if you'd wave back, but, uh, no guns or bad language or rude gestures, OK? Nilibre!

Patty Garrido
Harmon Cliffline (Naton, Guahan)